Thursday, February 1, 2007

free talk (generals and nachos only)

here all nacho army members can talk so go on talk! lol =) no cussing either k im serious >=( lol


Anonymous said...

Hi wetsaw if you are here. lol

Wet said...

I am here bebri

tom wolf said...

im here too nd bored

lord joshua said...

im here 2

Anonymous said...

i am here 2

lord joshua said...

hey tom havnt i been a nacho since the nachos uniform came out im not mentioned below

Bruz said...

Also guys theres a new army called the Tacos (Nacho Wannabees) this army was started by Bebri LOL its not the way you think,this is how the army was started
Some guy= Long live the nachos!!!
Bebri95= No you guys are Tacos Big difference.
Some guy= Oohh... OK!!!
Thats how the new army started its not Bebris fault its not even bad news im just saying thanks to Bebri we can have thats army as an Allie.... Wet

tom wolf said...

no the tacos wer made by some dude idk who just go to the mariachis forum thers also de pepper shakers and burritos lol

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about wetsaw?! I never even knew there was an army the Tacos!!!

Anonymous said...

tacos are bad because they give nachos a bad name by saying were nachos and then attaking allie armies

Anonymous said...

My penguin is on youtube! It in't that noticable but who cares!!! I see my name bebri95. type in in the bar abercrombie29....LOL

Anonymous said...

do u believe me that i didnt start it?

lord joshua said...

wanna take my quiz heres the url

Bruz said...

Dude im that video too, Uma was trying to make fun of us by sayin ( crazy people wearing sombreros thinking they are trying to take ove Club Penguin)
P.S Bebri i dont know why youre denying it i thought you were really funny when you said that..LOL Bebri you dunno how hard you made me laugh when you said that

Bruz said... heres the video guys

lord joshua said...

a nacho run this forum tom. Tell Him about your webite.

Anonymous said...

Ardorin sorry I didn't go to your igloo today when you were inviting me. Mpenguin said he "captured me" though I was able to escape and he was asking me what are your plans, will you join uma, any important stuff to tell me. first i said i do not know if we have plan then i said NO! + no.

Anonymous said...

wait but wetsaw....when did i eva say that? LOL :-P

Anonymous said...

tom a uma named girlpeguin sayed joyful loved you and girlpeguin said your gay. but thats a bunch of crud shes lying

Anonymous said...

you know tom i was hopin this :-p wud stay on 1 line lol

Anonymous said...

tom everyone is going crazy!!!! we were all at jm igloo at like 6:45 2day nd this nacho penguin(all these numbers) said you were banned forever. i said it cant b cause we still frends. then jm put a grave 4 u so i started screaming!!!! they all think u r dead nd r tryin 2 replace u with new leader!!!!! i cudnt take it so i tried 2 shut them up!!! its terrible u hav 2 play clubpenguin more!

lord joshua said...

tom is it true you got banned?

Bruz said...

Hes not banned, he just got a C+. Im very dissapointed in you Tom...

Anonymous said...

tom i now wii in real life and he said he'll join again but you have to pay attion to him and be more nice to him

Blaziken584 said...

hey there it's me Blaziken584 I'm leader of GRN ROOSTER i wanna know if you wanna be allies?