Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New recruits and troop morale

one thing iv noticed is in our new recruits is that ther really high in heart as in we hav 23 nachos and a new squad para troopers led by surfur1011 and our recruits r: specialthing,shadow,surfur1011,druppy light thes guys show alot of strength and heart Treat em well and teach em somthing lol o and thers now adnvance trainging so u can get help on leading, wars,and medical assisstants and the current peopl taking that is shgadow and surfur so yea....and NEED people to enter squads that way we can get more organized and make us less clumsy and druppy is a ex-uma dont worry hes come clean...wat surprised me tho is that he thot i wud torture him for being an uma (lol) well i didnt...but he said dat pink does tho so yea...(off topic lol) and yea im bored yay and remember 8 things to have in life 1.Truthfullness (no one is perfect so its ok if you lie...even i do) 2.Courage (even to do small things like tell parents u did somthing rong lol) 3.Heart 4.Oppress the evil and serve the weak (never strike som1 weaker than u) 5.Always tret people like u want to be treated 6.Have a balance of discipline and kindness to all things 7.If you have leadership in u use it well and be fair to evry1 (i dont know if i have leadership in me... lol) 8.Always choose the best choice even if u have to sacrifice yourself for the benefeits of many others (this is wen ur a leader)


lord joshua said...
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Bruz said...

LOL tom, just in case anybody has not noticed, i reincruited surfer and druppy light and plenty of other troops. Nobody has been noticing how many troops i gotten to join our army.

Anonymous said...

i trusted you joshua! I thought we were friends :{

Bruz said...

Yeah Joshua what you did hurt my feelings.. :{

Anonymous said...

lord joshua go to the down the hole that glows red

lord joshua said...

because i got bored of being a nacho

Bruz said...

Tom its me wet! why do you think im not wet!

Bruz said...

well guess what joshua the war is over... Pink Mafias and Tom siged a peace treaty... LOL jokes on you. Just when you betrayed us. tHE WAR WAS OVER lol

lord joshua said...

does that mean i can wera the sumbrero again. (like i was before the nacos)

Anonymous said...

guys in 2 days its my penguins 2ooth birthday! so come to my igloo in 2 days at 2:00 estern

tom wolf said...

yay zippy uv been on CP for 200 days iv been on for 231 =)

Anonymous said...

ya thats cool i am having a party in 2 days so invite all the nachos and friends

Bruz said...

Joshua that is so sad.... =(

lord joshua said...

starting April 9th i will be using an account names john5757 look for me on cp i will still be on mammoth.

Bruz said...

Hey guys guess what? I just made a site about a show about the Club Penguin Nachos... Cool huh? Well heres the link i will post later stuff and scripts there ok.. also plz post ok?

Anonymous said...

why are you making a new acount?

Bruz said...

Im Wet!!! LOL
Cmon Tom your smarter than this LOL

Anonymous said...

well... you said i was important wat is my spot sir
oh p.s I pwn both of you 261

Anonymous said...

lord is using my neighbors account so it might not always be lord

Anonymous said...

wait did you hack your neibors acount?

lord joshua said...

im not anymore i got my old accounts membership back

tom wolf said...

i wont be on til may 1st so...zippy take charg untl then k il be off for lik another week and a haf? o and any wars happend or anything on CP i havnt been on lately and...i might make a video game (not abot the Nachos =()but its still a game and the grafix i dnt thnk will be good all i kno is itl be a MMORPG and il post a link from my site to it...i need names for the game and all nacho generals will becom mods on it =) the attack system will be hand to hand with magic lik fire, ice ,thunder, support, and healin magic and weps lik pikes, swords, sabers, bows, lances, axes, staves, and special items $ lol k

Anonymous said...

wow that will be awsome! I will do my best as leader

lord joshua said...

i heard something of nachos betraying uma. is that true!?!